About us

Our story

It Started, Quite Simply, Like This...

The icook4you project came from the union of four friends with a passion for gastronomy whose motto is to transmit the taste for a healthy diet, adapted to the lifestyle of each one. Inspired by their own needs, they sought to create a way to help those looking for a breath of fresh air in their daily food or at special moments, allowing you to taste new flavors or more traditional palates with a touch of modernity.

Icook4you is a personalized service that is available to plan, organize and make meals in your home.

Together we set the menu and take care of all the planning and purchasing of the products.

We have type menus, but we are also receptive to the suggestions of customers. Make your request and we will try to elaborate the proposal that fits your design.

We have dinners, lunches, pre-prepared meals, birthday parties, cocktails, tastings, workshops, etc.

Allow yourself to enjoy your events in full, putting aside all the worries.

About meSee the Menu!

What our Customers Say…

"We would thoroughly recommend Marta and Carlos. The food they cooked for us during our stay at Casa Da Padeira was absolutely delicious! We had originally booked them for 2 nights but added on an extra night because they were so good! They are clearly very passionate about their cooking and we got a real variety of local delicacies. They also made a beautiful birthday cake for one of our party. They are a great option, particularly for large parties and they washed and cleaned up after themselves as well. Excellent service and Excellent Value"
Holly Banks family from London
"We loved having Marta and Carlos cook for us, it was a highlight of our trip to Northern Portugal! I highly recommend them, they were wonderful!!!! The food was excellent!!"
Kelly Wojcik Ahern from New York, USA

"Amazing evening in the hands of Marta and Carlos. They couldn't do enough for us and made my Husband's 40th birthday very, very special. The food and experience were fantastic, thank you for all your hard work x"
Torey Kings-hodkin from United Kingdom
"Marta was here at Albergaria and cooked for us today.
It was absolutley fantastic. The food was very good, and Marta and her companion was very nice!"
Mette Knudsen from Bergen Norvège, Colorado




  1. Garlic Bread


    Nascido na Italia, o pão de alho é basicamente um pão com uma mistura de alho e azeite ou manteiga, que pode ser preparado na grelha, tostado

  2. Ham and Sweet Melon


    A very traditional and delicious entree in Portugal, a wonderful combination of flavours
    Uma entrada deliciosa e muito tradicional em Portugal, com uma combinação maravilhosa de sabores

  3. Traditional corn bread


    The traditional corn bread is a very ancient recipe, traditionally made in portugal
    A broa de milho, também designada pão de milho, é uma receita muito antiga, feita tradicionalmente em Portugal

  4. Codfish Cakes


    Pataniscas de bacalhau é o nome de um prato típico da culinária portuguesa, com origem na região da Estremadura.

  5. Small Sardines fried with corn flour


    Português que é português adora petingas ou sardinha pequenas com farinha de milho fritas em oleo vegetal.

  6. ”Bulhão Pato” Clams


    Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato é um prato clássico português super fácil de fazer e delicioso como uma entrada.

  7. Mussels with pepper sauce and onion


    Os mexilhões à vinagrete são um prato típico e muito comum na cozinha mediterrânica e, além disso, são muito fáceis de preparar

  8. Bruschettas with smoked Salmon


    Esta bruschetta de salmão defumado que lhe apresentamos é uma deliciosa sugestão de entrada ou aperitivo

  9. Mushrooms stuffed with “Alheira”


    Sugestão de prato ideal para servir como entradas em festas ou jantares especiais.

  10. Bruschetas with tomato and mozzarela


    This Italian entree, bruschetta , combines tomato and mozzarela and is perfect to serve as an appetizer
    Esta entrada italiana, bruschetta de tomate e queijo mozerela é perfeita para servir como aperitivo

  11. Pork sausage roasted in Firewater


    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

  12. Olives with Garlic


    São uma especialidade da gastronomia portuguesa, podendo ser encontrados por toda a região Mediterrânea

  13. Balls of Cod


    especialidade da gastronomia portuguesa, podendo ser encontrados por toda a região Mediterrânea

Main Dishes

  1. Roasted Chicken


    O frango assado é um dos pratos mais consumidos por todas as famílias em Portugal

  2. Fried Salmon loin / Lombo de salmão braseado


    O salmão é um peixe muito saboroso e uma proteína de excelente qualidade

  3. Monkfish Rice


    Uma prato delicioso e muito simples de preparar, tamboril envolvido em arroz

  4. Baked Pork Lump


    Um prato clássico dos almoços de domingo, festas e ocasiões especiais

  5. BBQ Chicken piri-piri


    E por incrível que pareça a receita Portuguesa de Frango no churrasco ultrapassou fronteiras


  1. Natas do Céu


    As Natas do Céu é provavelmente uma das famosas sobremesas dos restaurantes Portugueses.

  2. Leite Creme – creme brullée


    O leite creme é uma sobremesa de referência da cozinha tradicional portuguesa

I cook with Wine
Sometimes I even add it to the food!

How it Works

The Friendliest People

Let's talk about food!

Step 1

Tell us what you like, what you want and what you need

Let's go shopping!

Step 2

We buy everything you need for your meals.

We cook for you!

Step 3

We cook meals at your home to your taste.

Delicious food for amazing people
We love making people happy!

Our Blog

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A very special cake

by izzato

Paella Valenciana

by izzato


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